Asian American Coalition of Chicago stands as one of the longest-standing organizations that bring Asian Americans together in the city. They are also known for their annual Lunar New Year celebrations.
Lunar New Year get-togethers will surely pop-up left and right. If you don’t know where to go, no worries, we got you! Here’s a list of Lunar New Year celebrations in Chicago!
Giving herself the identity of “King”, Christine Marie Borda a.k.a. King Marie has definitely proven that she continues to rise and make her mark in a challenging and primarily male-dominated industry, music.
Mia believes that when water rises, all the ships rise with it. For the past years, she has been using her skills in acting, writing, producing, and teaching yoga to uplift herself and others.
Shereene understands the importance of showing up and telling your stories fully and honestly even with societal pressure, trusting that it is through this that we can empower more to lead and take action.
Francis acknowledges the importance of a support system for people to continue pursuing their passion. He has been fostering valuable relationships and a sense of community among AAPIs through Side Practice Coffee.
#AAPISTRONG Heritage Month Business Summit was an exemplary display of camaraderie between diverse communities on how being together creates an impact that inspires people to take action.
In celebration of the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, we are casting a spotlight on unsung modern-day heroes in our community with our latest campaign, #AsiansWhoCAN, and celebrating all our wins as a community with #iCAN.
In many Asian households, kitchen secrets have been passed down through generations to keep their family legacy ablaze. For the Chu family, this secret came in the form of a unique chili oil, which was eventually called Chumami.
We at Chicago Asian Network want to help inform you better on racial injustice so we’ve compiled a list of resources that you could refer back to and share with those you know who need to see these.
A coffee and boba shop serves as a testament that genuine customer fulfillment is enough reason to give maximum effort towards the job and that working hand-in-hand with other small shops can drive one's own business forward--Brew Lounge.
The pandemic has made people face questions revolving around making life better. Fortunate are those who are able to figure out what they want to do, who they want to be, and be able to shift from one career to another. But what about the rest? Meet Micah, Founder of Tadhana Creative Coaching, who struggled with personal battles and ultimately succeeded.