There was a season when networking was seen in a bad light. A rise of pyramiding scams and other forms of using “connections” and “getting people in the business,” the term “networking” was viewed with an unpleasant connotation.
However, when done right and with good intent, creating your own network can be advantageous–especially for business owners. Networking creates long-term connections that can help a business survive through the highs and lows. Whether it’s a connection of business-owner-to-business owner, business-owner-to-suppliers, and anything in between—having people that you stand with can make any endeavor’s foundation stronger.
Which is why ACE NextGen created a conference that can lead you to creating this connection with your fellow business owners. ACE NextGen's Unity Conference is set to happen on October 13-14 at McDonald’s Global Headquarters in Chicago. This is an opportunity to establish your piece in an interconnected world of business puzzle. To make the picture clearer, here are some of the opportunities that await those who will attend Unity Conference:

- 15+ Workshops from 25+ speakers that can help businesses that sell digitally and physically
ACE NextGen prepared a jam packed 2-day schedule for the attendees. It ranges from workshops, panel discussions, and other forms of casual gathering that won’t leave any part of your day vacant. Some notable speakers are Asian Hustle Network Co-Founder Bryan Pham, AU Ventures Founder Bing Chen, and Zone of Genius Institute Founder Brandon Lee. Apart from the speakers, there’s also a long list of guest directory that will indeed broaden and tighter your community relationship.
- A chance to immerse yourself in the AAPI business community, creating a new array of networks that you can work with
Aside from workshops and panel discussion, there’s also space for casual conversation over lunch and dinner, or a calm bonding experience through a meditation session especially arranged at the conference.
- Celebrate our current time’s trailblazing business leaders at the Pathfinder Awards
Even though this is an awards night, the merriment isn’t only for the winners. This is also a celebration of the successes the AAPI business community has accomplished thus far—the hurdles that they overcame and are still overcoming. It is the night where we recognize how far the trails have been blazed, and how the community will continue blazing. Showing the united spirit of the AAPI business community.
The list doesn’t encompass the whole 2-day experience, more meaningful things may occur as the event proceeds. But these are the things we are certain the Unity Conference can offer to any striving or starting business out there.

Tickets are still available for purchase. You may acquire them through the website. Non-member price is $1000; member price is $250 but will increase to $300 by October 1. To avail a massive discount, use the code: UNITYCAN upon checkout. See you there!