Capture the fastest growing minority group with the highest household income. The Asian American Community.
Population: 24 million (U.S. only, as of 2023), accounting for approximately 7.24% of the total population
House-hold Income: 54% More Likely to have Household income above $100K
Average Lifespan: 87. Longer lifespan than any other demographic
Buying power in the US as of 2023: $1.3 Trillion
College Educated
Brand Loyal
Early Adopters
Connectors and Influencers
Luxury Shoppers and Travelers
Food and Tech Lovers
Investors and Backers
62K Average Monthly Page View
35K Average Monthly Unique Page Visitors
22K Combined Social Media Followers
600K Average Monthly social media engagement
162.6% Average Monthly social media engagement with 6.5% engagement rate per impression
55K+ Email Subscribers
110+ Monthly Events
169+ Local Community Partners