Meet Harsh Gagoomal, an Indian American actor in "The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity" written by Kristoffer Diaz and directed by Jeremy Aluma for Red Theater. This thrilling play won the Obie Award, the National Latino Playwriting Award, and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist.
The Tiger Hunter is about pursuing your dreams, but beyond that it's about paying attention to the little things and staying true to yourself. Oh, and the power of bellbottoms.
"King of the Yees" by Lauren Yee is a touching, hysterical play about a Chinese American father-daughter relationship, playing at the Goodman Theatre from March 31- April 30, 2017.
Joe is a veteran Chicago performer who gives a touching and hilarious performance in A-Squared Theatre's production of American Hwangap, which runs until April 1, 2017.
Peter Kim is a Chicago actor and comedian, performing stand-up, improv and now podcasting his smart humour in Ajumma Podcast. Learn more about this edgy performer and listen to his podcast.