Join fellow Michigan Alums and their families at Triple Crown Restaurant (2217 S Wentworth Ave, Chicago, IL 60616), owned by Michigan alum Spencer Ng (B.A. '07), to enjoy an authentic Chinese dim sum dinner, celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and learn some history behind its traditions, including eating mooncakes on September 30 6-8PM!

The cost of attendance covers the dim sum dinner, tea, and mooncakes and does not include other drinks or alcoholic beverages. Because of high demand for reservations please register sooner rather than later! This event occurs during the 2023 Chinatown Moon Festival, so signing up will help shorten the dinner wait! If weather permits, feel free to join us afterwards for a full moon observation with telescopes provided by Chinatown Square astronomers! Triple Crown validates parking at Chinatown Public Parking, which charges $2 for 3 hour parking with a validated ticket. Triple Crown is also walking distance from the Cermak-Chinatown Red Line CTA station.

Note: Triple Crown validates parking at Chinatown Public Parking, which charges $2 for 3 hour parking with validated ticket. Triple Crown is also walking distance from the Cermak-Chinatown Red Line CTA station.

Cost: $25 AAUM Members; $35 General Admission; $10 Children 3-12; Free for babies 0-2

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Triple Crown Restaurant (2217 S Wentworth Ave, Chicago, IL 60616)

More Info (External Link)
October 9, 2023

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