Event Date: Monday, November 25 · 7 - 8:30pm CST
Join us at IMSS for an evening of traditional Japanese music performed by the members of Asian Improv aRts Midwest!
Doors open at 6:30pm
$10 for Students & IMSS Members Presale
$15 GA Presale
$15 for Students & IMSS Members Door Price
$20 GA Door Price

About the Event:
Toyoakimoto is a program which revives the ozashiki music director Tatsu Aoki (aka Toyoaki Sanjuro) grew up with in Tokyo, as a member of the Toyoaki family. Through shamisen (Japanese lute) instruction, Toyoakimoto revives the philosophical sensibility of fluidity, flexibility and rawness of sound that is at the core of the Tokyo geisha house musical culture.
About the Ensemble:
Asian Improv aRts Midwest (AIRMW) is a non-profit organization building a vital, self-empowered community in the Chicago area by advancing the understanding and profile of Asian and Asian American cultures through the traditional and contemporary cultural arts. Today we will be presenting two of the three traditional programs within AIRMW.
Founded by the late Grandmaster Fujima Shunojo, Shubukai is a Japanese classical dance program that has been active for over 48 years in Chicago currently with two Grandmasters who trained with him for more than 35 years, Grandmasters Fujima Ikunojo and Fujima Yoshinojo.
Along with Shubukai, and Toyoakimoto Shamisen, and Tsukasa Taiko, AIRMW continually strives to maintain the responsibility of professionalism as part of cultural preservation by producing high quality arts programs that accurately reflect the multicultural, multi-ethnic reality of Chicago and the nation.
International Museum of Surgical Science (1524 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60610)