Filipino American Bikerz is having a picnic and bike ride for the benefit of Gawad Kalinga (a non-profit organization that helps alleviate poverty for the poorest of the poor in Philippines). This is a picnic ride event. One does not need to be a seasoned rider to join. Beginners and weekend riders could join. There's 7.2 mile route and one could do just 1 loop. They can have as many loops as they want and even run if they like. The shelter will serve as the break station for drinks and snacks until everyone comes back for the picnic, then lunch will start.

WHEN: SUNDAY, JULY 30, 2023 AT 8:30 PM UTC+08


Busse Woods - Grove 30 (20102 Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007)

More Info (External Link)
July 22, 2023

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