The Chinatown Museum Foundation is hosting its 22nd Benefit Dinner to raise funds for the Chinese American Museum of Chicago (CAMOC). Our theme this year is "Valuing Our Past, Shaping Our Future". Please join us for this night of performances, raffle, authentic Chinese food, cash bar, and much more!

As a nonprofit, CAMOC relies solely on sponsorships, donations, and memberships to put on exhibitions and public programs. Your participation in this event will go a long way to support our mission to promote the culture and history – through exhibitions, education, and research – of Chinese Americans in the Midwest. Each year we raise money to ensure we continue to preserve our cultural heritage and history. The funds raised will go towards quality exhibitions and public programming.


If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation.


New Furama Restaurant (2828 South Wentworth Avenue Chicago, IL 60616)

More Info (External Link)
July 11, 2023

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