☕️Wanna get coffee? ☕️

Join us every last Sunday of the month for our Queer Asian Coffee Meetup, where we gather to hold space, share experiences, and enjoy each others company. This month's meetup is on July 30, 11AM-1PM at the Dark Matter Coffee - Osmium Coffee Bar (1117 West Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60657).

All are welcome, however, please be mindful that any non-queer attendees who choose to attend are to remember you there as guests and should listen and observe, and we happy to have you and appreciate your support.

What is Adobo Variety Hour?

Adobo Variety Hour is an AAPIMED community showcase seeking to bring visibility and representation, as well as providing a community hub for those missing cultural connections in their lives.

AVH began as a new performance showcase, presenting the next generation of AAPIMED (Asian American, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, Desi) artists. Our founding mission was to provide a safe and supportive space for new and veteran performers to find their voice while contributing to the ongoing conversations and initiatives around visibility and representation at the time.

However, in Aug 2019, the show went well hiatus to reexamine our vision for the future. Little did we know, only six months later, the world would be forever changed in ways we could have never imagined.

As the world slowly returns to a new normal, AVH is continuing our work of presenting new and emerging AAPI artists, furthering our presence within the industry, and connecting to the greater AAPIMED community at large. #seeyourselfhere


Dark Matter Coffee - Osmium Coffee Bar (1117 West Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60657)

More Info (External Link)
July 31, 2023

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