Be part of this discussion. Now more of what is in line "When Citizenship Depended on Race: A Reenactment and Discussion of U.S. Supreme Court Cases, Ozawa & Thind" on May 3, 5:30-8PM at Dirksen United States Courthouse (219 South Dearborn Street, Ceremonial Courtroom, Chicago, IL, 60604)/

This event is co-Hosted by the U.S. District. Court for the Northern District of Illinois and its Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, the Federal Bar Association–Chicago Chapter and the Asian American Bar Association of Chicago
Co-sponsored by the Asian American Judges Association, the Arab American Bar Association, the Chinese American Bar Association, Filipino American Lawyers Association, Japanese American Bar Association, Korean American Bar Association and South Asian American Bar Association
Dirksen United States Courthouse (219 South Dearborn Street, Ceremonial Courtroom, Chicago, IL, 60604)