This is an online workshop and will be recorded and emailed in case you can’t attend live online.

Participate in a transformative workshop into the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui, where you will learn practical concepts and engage in simple energy activations and meditations, laying the foundation for harmonious living in the year of the dragon.

Event Date: Friday, February 2 · 6 - 7:30pm PST

Discover the art of channeling positive qi (energy) as we guide you through the process of uplifting the energy from the entrance of your home, creating a seamless flow into the entryway.

The focus will then shift to the heart of your home—the main bedroom. Recognized as the most sacred space in your home, we'll share tips to turn this space into a sanctuary that nurtures rest, rejuvenation, and balance.

Together, we will do a clearing with your wallets— a symbolic and empowering ritual aimed at removing financial blockages and welcoming abundance into your life.

We will also delve into self-care/improvement by setting 9 wishes for personal growth and fulfillment.

Join us for an interactive workshop where we give you practical applications from timeless wisdom to cultivate a thriving year ahead.

About us:

Nga Tran is a certified BTB Feng Shui practitioner and finds immense joy in collaborating with her clients to enhance and cultivate balanced qi (energy) within their homes and lives. She had spent most of her adult life working in the fashion industry and seamlessly combines her aesthetic sensibilities with the principles of Feng Shui, creating spaces that not only reflect personal style but also nurture a sense of balance and positive energy. Nga is a mom and is also passionate about social and environmental change.

Heceliza is a Reiki Master Teacher and Breathwork Facilitator who is here to help others tap into their inner healer and inner wisdom. With an M.B.A. and background in business and entrepreneurship, she is passionate about helping individuals and businesses go within to find inspiration, peace, and balance in today’s modern hustle culture.




More Info (External Link)
February 2, 2024

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