Event Date: Friday, February 2 · 6 - 9pm CST
Over the past two decades, Islamophobia has become deeply ingrained in the United States, reaching unprecedented levels of pervasiveness. Its presence in American social and political discourse has played a role in normalizing anti-Muslim bias, leading individuals across racial groups to unconsciously and consciously perpetuate Islamophobic attitudes and behaviors. This bias affects millions of Americans from diverse ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. It is imperative to closely examine the multifaceted ways in which this form of oppression operates in order to collectively and effectively dismantle the fear and hate that permeate our families, communities, and broader society. In addressing these challenges, this panel discussion will delve into the ways Islamophobia operates within BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities. It aims to explore avenues for BIPOC Americans, representing various faiths, to foster allyship and stand in solidarity with Muslim Americans in Chicago and beyond.
All proceeds from this event will be donated directly to Muslim Wellness Foundation.
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Haymarket House (800 West Buena Avenue Chicago, IL 60613)