Make an appointment by contacting AARP at the number listed below.
The free AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program will again be available at the DeKalb Public Library and is for people with low to moderate incomes. AARP Foundation Tax -Aide volunteers will be available by appointment every Saturday starting February 3 through April 13th, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Be sure to bring a photo ID and all necessary tax documents, as well as last year’s return forms. For a complete list of important documents to bring click here.
Please sign up for an appointment by contacting Frances at (815) 991-9418.
For more information, please contact the reference desk at (815) 756-9568 ext. 2150 or at reference@dkpl.org.
DeKalb Public Library
309 Oak Street DeKalb, IL 60115 United States