SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza will provide special remarks and updates for the AAPI community in light of AAPI Heritage Month. The Administrator‚ remarks will be followed by a panel discussion on ‚ÄúDoing Business with the Federal Government‚Äù. Learn how to find and win contracts with the federal government. Hear from AAPI entrepreneurs and business owners on how they have successfully navigated the federal government procurement process.
Professor Joel Litman, Chief Investment Strategist of Valens Research, will discuss how more than 200 of the top 300 money managers use Uniform Accounting metrics for better signals versus as-reported financial numbers.
Activating Heritage will be a space for cultural heritage board members, directors, staff, and volunteers to come together to explore how to strategically position their organizations to be responsive community advocates to address the challenges that face growing cities across the United States.
This informative and entertaining seminar aims to help companies understand and implement the critical activities and strategies needed to successfully complete a capital event.
The School of Architecture, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Alphawood Foundation Chicago present a rare public presentation by award-winning architect and Plym Distinguished Professor Gong Dong