


Teaching the Japanese American WWII Experience

We invite teachers, administrators, and stakeholders to learn about the Japanese American WWII camp and military experience.

Breaking Barriers

AIA is hosting it's 2nd annual virtual summit, Breaking Barriers, where we highlight top industry talent.

CASL's 2023 Spring Social

CASL is excited to be kicking off our 45th Anniversary with our 2023 Spring Social, A Celebration of Community and Cuisine!

AAPI Heritage Month: When Citizenship Depended on Race

When Citizenship Depended on Race: A Reenactment and Discussion of U.S. Supreme Court Cases, Ozawa & Thind

2023 APAHM Community Kickoff and Networking Event

Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month - Chicago Style!

NAAAP Wellness: April In-Person Therapeutic Art Workshop

We are partnering with a wonderful group of students from the School of Art Institute who will be guiding us in a therapeutic art workshop!

WiN April Brunch

Join us for an in-person Sunday brunch and meet other Asian American professionals in a casual setting.

KABA 2023 Annual Banquet and Installation

KABA's annual banquet is the event where we gather to celebrate the best of the Korean-American community and to support KABA’s legal clinic, which annually serves over 1,000 immigrant families in Chicagoland.